
Thursday, October 10, 2024

Taken by the Necromancer by @meganslayer #outnow #newrelease #necromancer #vampire @changelingpress


Taken by the Necromancer (Taken 7) A Dark Fantasy Women's Fiction Novel by Megan Slayer  $4.99 /Sale Price: $4.24

A newly turned vampire and a necromancer shouldn’t work. But what if they do?

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Briley Reed never expected to be a vampire or thought she’d find herself heading to Eerie, but a brutal attack changes everything. When a mystery man sends her to Eerie to find Atticus, she realizes just how much her life has changed.

But could it be for the better?

Atticus Maguire wants to be left alone. He’s had his heart broken and he’s done with love. Then Briley shows up in his life and it’s turned upside down. He wasn’t planning to fall in love, but the magic never lies.




All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2024 Megan Slayer

His skin tingled. A vision formed in his mind. A woman approaching and his brother warning her to find him. He frowned. Who was this woman, and why would his brother appear in his vision? He tipped his head. Who was she? He wasn’t sure. The vision wasn’t clear enough.

He glanced over his shoulder. The woman wasn’t even in Eerie, but he felt her. Another vision formed in his mind. This time, the woman stood in his living room and wore nothing.

A nude woman in his home.

What was he getting himself involved in?

He’d figure it out when she arrived. If he knew one thing more than anything else, fighting the future wasn’t smart. The future would happen no matter what he did.

Still, he wished he knew more about this person trying to locate him. She might end up hating him. The nudity might be because she was getting revenge… on him? Someone else?

The more he thought about this woman, the more the vision of her nude in his living room came into focus. Slender, curly brown hair down to her shoulders, wide eyes, blushing from her hairline to her chest, breasts just right for his hands and curves to make his mouth water. He longed to touch her. He hadn’t even met her yet, and she’d stirred his magic.

He wondered what her kiss would taste like.

He shook his head. Her kiss! She might not even want to kiss him.

The water sloshed against the bank and tore his attention from the woman. His woodland oasis would be invaded. Did he mind?

Not really.

He headed back to the house as a shiver ran the length of his spine. The woman hadn’t reached Eerie, but she was on the outskirts. She also needed his help.

He grabbed his keys, then tucked his phone into his front pocket. Once he locked up the cabin, he rushed out to his motorcycle. He sped out of the shed toward the gravel path, then the road. Living on the far side of the lake meant he’d waste precious minutes rounding the body of water to get to her, but his magic swore she was closer than he’d thought.

Atticus sped down the back road to the edge of town. Her car wasn’t broken down, but she had a follower. He couldn’t see the person in the truck tailing her. Didn’t matter. He’d use a cloaking spell to hide her from the other driver. He spotted her little car, and his heart skipped a beat. He’d never met her, but he had a connection to her.

He pulled out onto the main road between her and the truck, blocking the following vehicle from getting to her. At the same time, he spoke the words to the spell and enveloped her in the invisible cloak. She’d never know he was behind her, but she would know the truck was gone.

Now he could deal with the truck.  


1 comment:

Tina Donahue said...

Great premise for a paranormal romance, Megan. :)