
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Hotter Than the Sun, Lughnassa — A Celtic Fire Festival for Lleu

The sultry month of August is the perfect time to celebrate a sun god and the harvest and that's what the ancient Celts did each year around August 1st.  Sunshine nurtures the oats, barely, and wheat to ripen. Then it’s reaped, prepared, and baked as fresh bread. In the ancient Celtic belief system, Lugh (Lleu in Welsh) transmitted his power of the sun into the grain, and with the harvesting of the grain, he was sacrificed.

The ancient Celts were self-sustainable and fully green. They also loved tattoos, crazy dancing,  loud music, and freedom. And believed in treating women equally. They were a lot like us. 

Which is why I love to write romance books about them. Each novella of my Druidry and the Beast series is set in the Welsh Iron Age and each is the story of a shape-shifting god and a druidess during one of the Celtic festivals. For The Lynx and the Druidess, it's Lughnasa and Lleu. He is the god celebrated at Lughnassa and who the festival is named after. Lugh—in Gaelic or Lleu—in Welsh, both are pronounced Lou.

Lleu is with us today to tell us about Lughnassa and the book he is featured in, The Lynx and the Druidess. 

Lleu since you are the hero of a romance book, let me ask you what has been your best or worst date?

“Well, we ancient gods don’t really date in the way you modern mortals do. But my worst relationship with a woman was with my wife Blodeuwedd. It all began with a tinged (that’s kind of like a curse or a rule) that my mother the goddess Arianrhod put on me which prohibited me from having a wife. So, gods Math and Gwydion conjured a wife from me out of flowers and named her goddess Blodeuwedd.  I thought the marriage was going well until she and her human lover tried to kill me.  I survived. And god Gwydion, my uncle, turned Blodeuwedd into an owl to punish her. Now, the best relationship I’ve ever had with a woman was with Wyndolen.”

She’s the heroine of your story, The Lynx and the Druidess, right?


And how did you meet?

“The first time I saw her, I scried her by peering into the pond of the wise salmon in the Otherworld. Fire coursed through me as I watched this dark-haired enchantress. swirl in a rhythmic dance, winnowing the harvest by holding her wicker basket high as husks and kernels leaped up from the bottom of it and the wispy chaff caught by the breeze floated above her.”

She sounds gorgeous and graceful. Now, I ask many people this next question, which is if you could be an animal which one would you be? But, in your case, you actually have transformed to other animals and the Lynx is the creature associated with you the most? Why do you like shapeshifting into a lynx?

“There are so many things I love about the majestic lynx. One thing I admire the most is that they are mighty hunters. I love to hunt but I can’t compare to the skills of a lynx when in my human form. Even in deep snow they can maneuver their environment well and capture their prey. And in the dense forest, they are as stealthy as shadows and use the element of surprise. Also, many Celts call them Llewyn, naming them after me.”

And, you also have a huge Celtic festival named after you? Tell us about that.

“Lughnasa, pronounced LOO-nuss-uh, takes place August 1 to celebrate the first Harvest and to honor me, god Lleu. Food is more abundant at this festival than any other, due to the harvest, so there is a great feast. It is often a time when many couples get married. One Lughnasa tradition is to pick ripe bilberries and string them into a bracelet for your lover. The British Celts would also fashion a wheel of the year, set it aflame, and the druid, using an iron rod, would roll it down a hill, chanting something like God of the sun, the wheel has turned, the yearly end of your reign has come. The sun begins its journey, winter nears. The seasons turn, sun and earth, life to death. Lughnasa, Lughnasa. But one of the biggest events of the festival was the huge summer bonfire that brought it to a close each year.

And for all the modern-day women reading this, I wanted to pass on that fruit picking is a wonderful family activity to celebrate Lughnasa. There is a lot of bilberry and apple picking in The Lynx and the Druidess."  

Here is a favorite recipe of mine for a yummy August or Lughnasa treat –

Apple Crisp

Peel and chop or thinly slice 8 apples of your choice (Granny Smiths are recommended)

Preheat the oven to 350 F.

Rub butter or use non-stick cooking spray on an 8” by 8” baking dish

Stir apples, add 3/4 tsp of cinnamon,a Tbsp granulated sugar, and 1 1/2 tsp of lemon juice together in a bowl and pour into the baking dish. 

For the topping, dice 1/2 cup cold unsalted butter into small cubes. In another bowl whisk the butter cubes, with 3/4 cup old-fashioned oats, 3/4 cup all-purpose flour, 1 tsp cinnamon, and a pinch of salt. Cut the butter into the mix until it resembles pea-size crumbs. 

Spread this over the apple mixture in the baking dish, patting softly to even it out. 

Let it bake for 40-50 minutes, until golden brown. 

Top each serving with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or whipped cream and caramel sauce.

More of The Lynx and the Druidess

The Druidry and the Beast Series

Book Five

by Cornelia Amiri

Genre: Romantasy

Loving a god has its advantages

Lleu, the radiant sun god, crosses between worlds to the Silures village for the fierce and stunning druidess, Wendolyn —a woman worth battling for. He longs to celebrate Lughnasa, the festival that honors him, with her.

Wendolyn is captivated by the striking stranger the moment he wanders into her village. Furthermore, she wants him with a fervor, burning her from within. However, he’s hiding his true identity. When he vows to save her tribe from the Romans marching toward them, everyone, including her dead father in a dream, says he is a coward who has run off.

Lleu is determined to win the love of druidess Wendolyn even if it means fighting the Roman army single-handedly—by shapeshifting into his lynx form.

Will her tribe survive the Romans? And, can Wendolyn and Lleu’s relationship survive her tribe’s mistrust of him?


With her heart hammering, Wyndolen stared with wonder at Lleu’s luscious nude body. She only glanced away long enough to pull a white robe, speckled with gold, out of the chest in the corner. She tugged it on, then fastened a plaid cloak over it with a round silver broach and latched her gaze onto Lleu again while he slipped his clothes back on.

They left the roundhouse and walked hand in hand to Cynfor’s home.

She called out to the woodmaker, “It is time.”

 Cynfor stepped out, clutching an iron rod and the wheel of the year coated with gooey tar.  As the three walked together to the center of the village, men, women, and children gathered around the druidess, muttering, “Lleu,” and “coward.”

Scanning the angry faces in the crowd, Wyndolen sighed. If only they knew the truth about him. But she couldn’t blame them, she was as guilty as they were. She hadn’t recognized he was a god, even after he’d told her. No, he had to show her his magic spear and reveal his dazzling aura. Now the others needed to learn the truth.  Tonight, at his festival, she would announce who he really was. But first she had to prepare her tribesmen for the news, to lessen their shock.

She held her palm upward toward the crowd and cleared her throat. “Hear me, I have a surprise for all of you. The presence of the god Lleu is here. You do not see him as he is in the guise of one of us. So, take care of how you treat each other, lest you offend the deity.”

Their expressions shifted from anger to shame as they were now all on their best behavior.

Taking graceful steps, she led all her tribesmen, chief, and Lleu to a cliff. Their chief proudly carried a blazing firebrand, and Cynfor held the sacred wheel with reverent hands. Everyone grew quiet and gazed down the mountain slope.

Wyndolen announced, “We have gathered this Lughnasa to observe the Wheel of the Year as it turns.” She raised her arms to the sky and smiled at Lleu as she chanted, “The sun burns, yet winter nears. The season turns. Summer comes to an end. Sun and earth, life to death the wheel turns, Lughnasa, Lughnasa.”

She took the torque from Corio, handed it to Lleu, and he lit the wheel of year aflame. Cynfor handed Wyndolen the iron rod. Then, the sun god, Lleu, ran beside her, on the other side of the flaming wheel, as she used the rod to roll it down that part of the mountain slope.

She chanted, “God of the sun, the wheel has turned, the yearly end of your reign has come.”

Smoke rose, as flames ate the wood. The wheel reached its end at the foot of the slope and crumbled into ash and burning fragments. The crowd stopped in their tracks and circled the symbol of the dying Lleu.





Monday, July 22, 2024

Steamy Heat in an Irish Town #historicalromance, #hothistorical, #newfavoritehero

 It's hot all over the United States today! Hope you're able to stay cool in your little part of the world. In keeping with yesterday's post on a delicious sounding drink, my favorite keep cool method is Bailey's on ice! It's creamy and a little sweet. It hits the spot. And it's easy!

Another way to hit the spot? How about a good, hot read alongside a sparkling, cool pool.

Click here to purchase your copy.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Top 6 Summer Activities


Summer is in full swing. It’s time for some fun. First we need a cool and refreshing adult beverage to help you cool off on a hot day. You can make it ahead and enjoy whenever you like.


Summer Slush



1 – 12 oz can of frozen orange juice

1 – 12 oz can of frozen lemonade

¾ cup of sugar

5 cups of water

2 cups of vodka


In large freezer proof container, mix in order given and freeze.

Serve ½ glass of slush with 7 up or ginger ale.



Now that you have your drink, here are a few suggestions to help you enjoy some summer fun.


  1. Have a picnic. Eating outside is always preferable to eating indoors (as long as the mosquitos aren’t around). Treat yourself. Enjoy fresh fruit, cheese, crackers, fried chicken, pasta salad or whatever you desire. If it’s you and your honey, throw in a bottle of wine and make it a romantic evening. If it’s raining, spread a blanket and some pillows on the living room floor and make your fun indoors.


  1. Try a new recipe one night a week. Get your family involved and all of you take turns choosing. They don’t have to be complex recipes—unless you’re so inclined. Keep it simple and fun. Fire up the grill if you have one.


  1.  Dessert night! I’m sure you’re seeing a theme here. Spend a day baking some tasty treats and enjoy. Or recreate a traditional English tea, complete with scones and cream.


  1. Have a movie marathon day. Pick a movie series, load up on snacks, and watch them back-to-back. Lord of the Rings, Die Hard, Bourne Identity, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Mummy. There are plenty to choose from. Or have a theme movie day—Disney, horror, comedy. Or binge a series on Netflix.


  1. Take a walk or a drive somewhere different. Doesn’t have to be far. We all tend to be creatures of habit and take the same routes or go to the same places.


  1. Read a book. Take yourself out to the backyard, the balcony, the beach, or walk to a park and enjoy a few hours.


And if you’re looking for something to read, you might want to check out the Secret Identities: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology. The great thing about an anthology is the stories are shorter and you can sample a variety of authors. There’s something for everyone!


Inside Secret Identities: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthologyyou’ll find stories by some of the hottest romance writers out there for readers who crave mysterious, enigmatic men and women who may not be who they claim to be. Perhaps they’re the new next-door neighbor with a secret mission, an alien from a far-away galaxy looking for his fated mate, or a spy trying to catch a foreign agent. Whatever their secrets, intrigue and passion follow…


My contribution is Perfect Stranger – An undercover DEA agent must keep his identity secret from the woman he’s falling for, a woman he’s also investigating.


Coming July 30th. Preorder your copy today.


Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D5SQ4P2P/

Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/secret-identities-delilah-devlin/1145674531

Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/secret-identities-8

N.J. Walters is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who has always been a voracious reader, and now she spends her days writing novels of her own. Vampires, werewolves, dragons, assassins, time-travelers, seductive handymen, and next-door neighbors with smoldering good looks—all vie for her attention. It’s a tough life, but someone’s got to live it.


Visit me at:

Website: http://www.njwalters.com

Blog: http://www.njwalters.blogspot.com

Newsletter Sign Up: http://eepurl.com/gdblg5

Facebook Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/N.J.WaltersAuthor

Twitter: https://twitter.com/njwaltersauthor

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/NJWalters

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/author/njwalters

BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/n-j-walters



Saturday, July 20, 2024

Check out Breaker, a Spicy Dystopian Romance...

Hey all, AK Nevermore back with you! This month I'm releasing the first book in a brand new series, Breaker. If you're a fan of Spicy Dystopian Romance, then this is the series for you! 

Beware the Coming Storm...

On an alternate earth, a cataclysm has altered a subset of the population. Talents are persecuted for their psychic and physical mutations, giving rise to two conflicting societies based upon maintaining genetic purity. And the Source, a shadowy corporate entity dependent upon the exploitation of captive Talents, is hunting them…

Self-exiled to the Outside, Flynn Scot is oath-bound to a life of strict penance.

Cursed with a vicious temper and haunted by the blood-stained debauchery of his past, Flynn’s sworn off women, whiskey, and violence, and doesn’t give a damn about whispers of the coming war. He sure as hell isn’t in the mood to make good on a debt when it’s called in, especially when playing white knight outs him as a Talent, and the damsel in distress as his soulmate.

On the run from her future as a broodmare for the Source, escaped Talent Kara Jester is no distressed damsel.

And the last thing she wants is to be trapped in a blizzard with a surly—and frustratingly captivating—thug. Without the suppression meds holding her libido in check, her biology’s primed to procreate, and Flynn’s growled assurances that he won’t touch her doesn’t match the hunger in his eyes.

It doesn’t align with what fate has in store for them, either.

With elite troops hot on their heels and the border set to close, it’s a race to the North, away from Kara’s horrific future and towards the dark past Flynn wants to keep buried. Clinging to the shreds of his oath, he’s forced to choose between protecting the woman he’s afraid to love and letting out the animal he swore he’d never be again. Either may destroy him, if Kara’s secrets don’t get them killed first.


Want more? Download the Breeder, the series prequel, for free here: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/91ffk852qo

and get your copy of Breaker here: https://books2read.com/BreakerOne

You can find out more about my books on my website, https://aknevermore.com/ or see what I'm up to on my sadly neglected socials:

Facebook    Twitter

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AK Nevermore enjoys operating heavy machinery, freebases coffee, and gives up sarcasm for Lent every year. A Jane-of-all-trades, she’s a certified chef, restores antiques, and dabbles in beekeeping when she’s not reading voraciously or running down the dream in her beat-up camo Chucks.

Unable to ignore the voices in her head, and unwilling to become medicated, she writes Science Fiction and Fantasy full time. 

AK pays the bills writing a copious amount of copy, along with a column on SFF. She belongs to numerous industry organizations, volunteers for far too many committees, teaches creative writing, and on the rare occasion, sleeps.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Writing in the Summer




I’m an outdoor person. I like to be in the woods with my horse. I like to work in my garden in the summer. With so many hours spent outside, my writing comes to a complete stop. I can barely write a line, let alone a chapter. I take notes or write a paragraph that I will use later, but most of my writing is done in the spring and again in the fall when the weather is rainy, stormy, or just damn cold.

My muse and I love to sit in my garden with coffee and cookies and plan the next story, talk about characters, about the main characters and their development and the new characters and their destination.

The idea for my book Best Intentions was born on such a sunny day and written in four months to be published in April 2023. Here’s a glimpse of it.

Sea life protection is a task for the peaceful, the Earth lovers, the ones who will never turn violent... so they say.

In this eco-thriller, the killer will stop at nothing to punish the corporate executives and politicians who pollute the waters and damage the environment. FBI Agent Nicolas Hayes and his team struggle to find clues before he strikes again.


Matthew had never felt so miserable. Not even after a night of drinking had he felt so bad. He wanted to call out to Nicolas, wanted to know whether his friend was all right, but the tape across his mouth prohibited any sound. To increase his misery, his hands were cuffed behind his back. Probably with my own handcuffs. When his vision cleared and the pain in his head ebbed away, he sat up. He wanted to know how long he had been out cold, but he couldn’t turn his wrist far enough to look at his watch.

They were locked up in a square room that held two rows of empty metal shelves. Two sides were made of stone, two others of thick fencing. The only door was secured by a chain with a new and shiny padlock. He looked up. The fence was about ten feet high—easy for a good climber—but studded with barbed wire. Not that easy to overcome after all. Outside their prison was a large and lofty hall that held three metal cages, a rusty saw on a tripod, an assortment of boxes, tables with tools, and a row of ten oil casks. The air smelled of seawater, and when he listened closely, Matthew heard waves lapping against something. A large rolling gate in the back of the hall restricted the view. He couldn’t see any exit.

Matthew crawled to the wall to his right. He considered it a bonus that duct tape didn’t stick to his beard as well as it would have to clean-shaven skin. He placed his cheek against the rough wall and rubbed until the tape loosened and finally fell off. “Part one done,” he whispered. He went on his knees and made his way to Nicolas. “Hey, buddy, wake up. It’s way past time for you to have a look around.” He flinched upon seeing the wound on his partner’s left temple and the blood that had trickled across his cheek and chin. “They got you bad, hmm?” Nudging him was not enough, and Nicolas’s breathing was labored. Determined to help him, Matthew bent to put his lips, then his teeth around the upper edge of the duct tape where blood had kept the tape from sticking firmly to the skin. He pulled it off just as Nicolas opened his eyes. They were nose to nose for a second. Matthew spat out the tape that stuck to his lips.

“It’s not what it looks like,” Matthew said and brought distance between them.

“What does it look like?” Nicolas’s voice was raspy and weak.

“That I was about to kiss you.”

“Oh.” Nicolas looked around, his eyes still half closed. “Where are we? What happened after I passed out?”

“I can’t tell you. They clubbed me down first.” Matthew inhaled as he followed Nicolas’s gaze. “Somewhere close to the waterfront. You can smell salt in the air.”

* * * *