
Friday, July 5, 2024

Hit the Beach!


Summer is here in all its sunbaked glory, and you know what that means? You still have time to load your E-Readers with books to read by the pool and at the beach! Isn’t it lucky for you that I’m here to tell you about one that may have slipped under your radar?


“Once Upon a Sunset” (Extasy Books) is part of my summer series “Key West Heat.” The other installments are “The Last Sunset,” “Beauty and the Beach,” and “Cuban Fire.” Each story is a stand-alone, with different characters and plots. The only common thread is that they take place in Key West, with attractive characters, lots of atmosphere, some humor, and enough erotic encounters to ramp up your internal temperature before you dive into the pool to cool off.


“Ted Allen left Key West five years ago to pursue a better job in another part of the country. He left behind a lifetime of wonderful memories. He also left Shakira Watson, the one woman who had carved out a prominent place in his heart. Now his career has brought him back to the tropical paradise, with hopes of rekindling what they had before. He thinks it’s fate, but will Shakira want anything to do with the carefree, fun-loving bachelor she remembers? Is Ted finally ready to commit to one woman?”

This is an interracial romance and though it uses a hook that isn’t entirely original (the guy comes back with hopes of reconnecting with the woman who got away), I threw in a plot twist that’s a bit different for me. It seems that in the five years since our hero and heroine last saw each other, she had a major change in her life, one that she didn’t tell him about. I won’t spoil the surprise, but it’s something that added a sweeter aspect to the romance than I usually use. Here’s an excerpt:


Ted wrapped his arms around Shakira and kissed her deeply, gliding his lips along hers. Her scent was intoxicating and brought back a torrent of memories. He got more into their passionate embrace and ran his hand along Shakira’s back while devouring her soft, full lips. He felt her hand on his thigh, starting at his knee and slowly inching upward, increasing his arousal. Her tongue invaded his mouth, challenging his to an erotic duel.


She pulled away and planted wet kisses along his cheek and neck. “I never forgot how good you do that,” she whispered.


Ted looked into her eyes while cupping her cheek. “Crazy eyes.”


She giggled. “What did you say?”


“I always thought you had crazy eyes.”


“What does that mean?”


“Something dangerous beneath the surface, like you’d try anything once.”


Her eyebrows arched. “And just what tricks have you learned in the past five years?”


“Nothing more than before.”


Shakira pushed him onto his back, then lay on top of him and ran her fingers through his hair. “We did do some pretty crazy things, didn’t we?”


“I think the craziest was making love in the hotel hot tub when I took you to South Beach for the weekend.”


She laughed. “I swore those people at the poolside bar knew exactly what we were doing. It made me hot.”


He kissed her. “Me, too. Feel like getting a little crazy tonight?”


“Do you have a hot tub in here?”


“No, but I’ve got a double bed.”


She stood and took his hand. “What are we waiting for?”

 If you’re in the mood for an entertaining read that won’t tax your brain, join Ted and Shakira under the palm trees in “Once Upon a Sunset.” You’ll be glad you took the trip. 

"Once Upon a Sunset" -- Amazon Kindle


Tim Smith is an award-winning, bestselling author of romantic mystery/thrillers and contemporary erotic romance. His website is Tim Smith--AllAuthor 


Tina Donahue said...

Great excerpt, Tim! I love interracial romances. :)

Tim Smith said...

Thank you, Tina. This one was a lot of fun to write.