
Saturday, October 12, 2024

Nolite te bastardes carborundorum - Don't let the ba$t*rds grind you down #Handmaid'sTale #Vote #Rights

With November 5 coming up quickly, I wanted to remind everyone to vote this election. It's not only doing your civic duty, it's essential if you want to retain your rights, which made me think of Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale. That's where the title of this post came from.

These last years have seen an unprecedented assault against women and their rights. Some candidates for what is presumably thought of as mainstream seats in Congress are actually suggesting that the 19th amendment to the Constitution be repealed.



Does any woman seriously want that right taken away so that one side of the political spectrum can always win elections? I don't.

I've never been the type that needed a 'daddy' to tell me what to think, do, how to act, or what my life's purpose is. No one can know those things for me better than I do.

Even if these 'wanna-be political candidates' think disenfranchising women is the way to go and a women doesn't see a problem with that (because eggs cost so much, you know), just wait for what comes next. Lose one freedom or privilege and the rest will fall like dominoes.

There won't be contraception any longer. Working outside the home won't be possible any longer... unless a man permits it. Want to go to college? Not a chance. That's for men. You know, the beings with brains. If a husband or partner rapes or beats a woman to keep her in line, that's okay. Welcome to the 1700s.


I find it hard to believe that we're going through the same misogynistic poison in 2024 as we have throughout history, but here we are. There's only one way to change that.

Nolite te bastardes carborundorum 

Don't let the ba$t*rds grind you down

Vote like your freedom depends on it...

because it does.

Thanks so much for reading today's post. Hope you enjoyed it!

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