
Friday, May 3, 2024

Why I wrote City of Lies by January Bain


Happy May to you!

Good morning from the backwoods of Canada. My husband Don and I LOVE where we live. On a comfortable acreage where deer come by most days and even bring their little ones come June to show them off. Such proud mamas!

Just recently I was asked why I wrote the book, City of Lies, and thought I'd share this snippet with all of you.

"I confess I love stories, blessed to have a mom who took the time to read to her children. One chapter a night, adventures that fueled my dreams and imagination until I just had to try crafting one of my own. And I got hooked, hard, discovering how amazing the experience is living it as it happens in real time for the characters that populated my stories. Didn’t matter what kind of story, if the people inside my head wanted out and were headed on an exciting journey, I was all in!

Over the past decade I’ve been writing full time, and I’ve ventured into many different genres, but admit that mysteries, thrillers and crime novels send me an adrenaline rush unlike any other. It embraces universal truths—morality, justice, freedom—and ultimately brings satisfaction in the form of taking responsibility for them when the story draws to its inevitable conclusion. Which brings me to the book that Rough Edges Press is releasing today, City of Lies.

City of Lies tells the story of a young woman looking to connect with her heritage, to discover where she came from. Unfortunately, for Claire Preston, the search for the truth leads her down dark alleyways that no one could have foreseen coming. But what surprised me most about Claire, was how tough she was. How willing, and though I’m not fond of cliches, to go the distance searching not only for what happened in the past, but freely stepping up to do something most of us couldn’t imagine having to do in this lifetime. I cried for Claire, and laughed with her at times, applauding her sheer grit and determination.

I can only hope that you find reading her story as riveting as I did the writing of it. Please, feel free to share any thoughts you have about City of Lies. It is very rewarding to connect with fellow readers and I always respond promptly, thanks to my grandma. She taught me many things, sharing her values and wise advice, from never be late or keep others waiting to always be kind and helpful. I like to think I walk a little in her giant footsteps."

Buy Now! A Gripping Tale of Identity, Crime, and Survival…

I have a new release this month as well!

Coming May 14th:

A gripping tale where good deeds intertwine with hidden crimes and a quest for truth…

Katie Kelly finally has the career and house of her dreams, but it’s a life built on a shaky foundation. Everything she holds dear could be stripped away in a split-second if the truth were to become known and her secrets exposed. Her best friend, Sadie, is also involved in hiding the past. The pair have managed to move on since that day of reckoning that occurred when they were just teenagers, by helping others to escape bad situations.

When a young woman runs to Katie and begs for her help, Katie is compelled to come to her aid and hides her in a safe room, locked away from her abusive boyfriend.

But then the past rises up and threatens to derail her best efforts to help the young girl, exposing her and her best friend to the vulgarities of fate as the girl is discovered to have an unexpected agenda, harboring secrets of her own. Katie is left with few choices. With her entire life crashing down around her ears, she must act to save not only herself, but her dear friend as well. Can Katie stop the past from destroying all hopes for a future?

Discover the chilling consequences of one woman's altruism in the face of hidden crimes. Join Katie Kelly as she navigates the shadows of her past, compelled to make a choice that could change lives forever. Grab your copy now!

And this photo is for Tina! Our sweet furry baby Ling Ling:

Until next month I bid you adieu!

Hugs, January Bain/storyteller


Tina Donahue said...

City of Lies sounds great, January! Congrats on it and No Good Deed. :)

I love mysteries, thrillers, and dystopian stories. The darker the better, especially with twisty plots.

January Bain said...

Hi Tina,
Thanks for commenting! Feeling blessed that City of Lies is getting some good reviews!