
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Discovery Plot - Writing Tips #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Discovery #Plot #Writing #children #adults


 More on the discovery plot #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #writing #plot #discovery

I'm a plot driven author and I really enjoy exploring plots and how to make them worm. The Discovery Plot intrigued me. Discovery is part of the learning process. So I set out to look at what that meant 

Discovery is part of the learning process. There are reasons to read. One is escape from the way the world turns at the moment. Another it to keep from thinking and planning ways to change, The Discovery Plot does both of these thing but it also aides in learning. Maybe not overtly but with subtle imput about what the writer is thinking. One thing as a writer you should do is to make your characters so real, the reader believes in the character and what they're saying about life.

When writing for children, what the writer wants discovered is done in subtle terms, Think of the fairy tales or even the Dick and Jane books. They're making discovery fun.

Now for adults. Don't go on a crusade and push, push what you want to let them discover. Learn to write with a light hand rather than with a shovel to upend the story and the message.

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1 comment:

Tina Donahue said...

Great post, Janet. :)