
Friday, September 13, 2024

Covid in fiction writing--Yea or Nay?

I'm just getting over a bad case of Covid so that's the only thing on my mind right now. I had it before, but this time was really horrible. It's slow going, but I'm improving.

Ever since Covid changed everything for everyone, I've been hesitant to write a contemporary story because I don't know if I should address Covid or set the story in an alternate world where Covid never happened. I had planned on expanding on a series that I finished and published before Covid, but I've put that on hold until I can decide what I want to do.

Covid is here to stay, and different variants keep popping up. It's much worse than the flu. I only had a case of the flu once in my life. I've had Covid twice in two years. And growing immunity? Good luck with that with all the variants. It's a huge part of our lives now, but does it belong in fiction? I guess it depends on the story. It probably works in a thriller. Covid cases probably don't work well in a romance unless you want to show how two people get along during a shutdown, or maybe they nurse one another back to health. And Covid must be putting a damper on the dating scene. I'm married so I really don't know.

I think if Covid fits with the plot, then it might work in a story. Otherwise, it could be glossed over--it's there but not really affecting anything in a big way.

Website: https://www.kelleyheckart.com/

Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/author/kelleyheckart

1 comment:

Tina Donahue said...

That's a tough question, Kelley. I just got over a case of the stomach flu - the nasty kind (norovirus). I've had the stomach flu numerous times since I was a kid, but nothing as horrible as this. It was like having food poisoning times a thousand. It took me three weeks before I felt normal. Thankfully, I didn't have a fever or a cough, so I knew it wasn't Covid.

I can see using Covid as a springboard into a thriller or scifi story where it mutates into something far worse. But for a regular romance, the only thing I can see that would work is if one of the characters takes care of the other one while they're sick. Maybe the guy nursing the girl who's a neighbor but they haven't hooked up yet. That could be funny and touching.