
Sunday, September 15, 2024

Fear, arousal, and a lingering sweetness

The path to love is different for everyone. Some like a gentle, slow burn (sorry, instalove fans!); others prefer a headfirst plunge into the sexy deep end, then the breathless scramble to safety. Others yet crave a special kind of fear—the rush that comes with danger, the thrill of a risky unknown—and the connection that forms through such intensity.

UK author Sonia Palermo explores this arousing kind of fear in the latest book, Scream, Baby, Scream, a dark, high-heat Halloween romance novella that perfectly balances danger, the creeps, and that glowing twist of sweetness that lingers long after the last page.

Sonia was kind enough to answer a few questions in between All The Things in her busy launch schedule. If you’re a long-time fan, I hope you’re as excited as I am to see how her work continues to evolve over the years. For the uninitiated, I hope you enjoy this taste of your next favourite author:

Interview with Sonia Palermo, author of Scream, Baby, Scream

Sonia Palermo writes spicy contemporary, paranormal, and erotic romance. When she’s not immersed in writing, she enjoys cosying up on the sofa with a cup of tea and indulging in a good horror or romance movie. A true beach lover, Sonia finds inspiration along the beautiful south coast of England, where she lives. The serene seaside surroundings bring a touch of real-life magic to her stories. Sonia's work reflects her passions—spooky atmospheres, intense romance, and the charm of everyday moments, inviting readers to discover where the ordinary meets the extraordinary, with a happily ever after guaranteed.

JL: Sonia, your latest book is a right scream. Can you sum it up for us before we dive in?

SONIA: The story centres on Tatum, who attends a Halloween party at a Manor House in Surrey, England. There, she encounters a mysterious figure, who is more than willing to indulge her dangerous desires. As the night unfolds, Tatum realises that another masked figure is watching them. Unsure whether this is part of the game or a real threat, Tatum is drawn into an intense, thrilling encounter that keeps her—and the reader—on edge. The novella promises a steamy, suspenseful ride with a satisfying happily-ever-after.

JL: So, this is a kink story, but it’s not so much about the aesthetics or academics of it. What’s at the heart of this book, as an erotic romance? What thought process led you to such a satisfying twist at the end?

SONIA: I’ve always been intrigued by fearplay, especially since it’s not something I encounter often. Reading Little Stranger by Leigh Rivers earlier this year really inspired me to delve into this theme. I find it fascinating how horror movies and fear can intersect with arousal—there’s something compelling about the mix of danger and desire.

Scream Baby Scream allowed me to explore these darker facets of my psyche in a safe and creative way. I love how reading and writing give us the opportunity to navigate and understand these complex emotions. I don't think I have it in me to write pure smut without feelings. I love exploring human emotion, and honestly, the world is far too shit and depressing not to have a happily ever after! That said, I completely appreciate and admire authors who can do that—I'm just not one of them, unfortunately.

I didn’t know how the book was going to end at first—the plot twist came to me later, and my early drafts didn’t even have an epilogue—so yeah, I was definitely worried about how it would all come together. But this story was so much fun to write that I just went with the flow and let my characters lead the way. I love these characters, and they clearly wanted their happily ever after!

JL: I have to ask … horror and romance? Really? I mean, obviously it works because just look at your book! But creativity draws from the sum total of our experiences, and I’d love to know—how did this combination come about?

SONIA: I’ve always been a huge fan of the Scream franchise and a lover of slashers, horror, and romance in general. Horror and romance are my bread and butter! The suspense, the intense emotions, the exploration of fear and vulnerability, the way tension builds, and that cathartic ending—whether it's survival or a happily ever after—it’s all pure gold to me.

I started my reading journey equally—and somewhat ironically—between horror and romance. Goosebumps and Diary of a Crush were the first books I really connected with, along with Cate Tiernan's Wicca series. Later on, Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey were big influences—I mean, who didn’t start their smut journey there?

Since then, I’ve stayed within the romance genre, exploring different subgenres to find my preferences. My recent reads are a mix of dark, contemporary, and paranormal romance. I especially loved The Words by Ashley Jade, the Losers duet by Harley Laroux, and For the Fans by Nyla K. I’m drawn to stories that explore the human psyche, and I admire authors who dive deep into the complexities of emotion—those books hit that sweet spot for me. I can only aspire to capture a fraction of the emotion they convey.

I started writing at a young age but didn’t take it seriously until I decided to leap into writing and publishing what became my debut novel, Hot Girl Summer (contemporary romance). After its release, I moved on to write Papillon (paranormal romance), which originally started as a short story and eventually became a novella. Now, I’m here with three romances in three different subgenres—and hopefully plenty more to come!

I’ve read (and loved) so many books that combine horror and romance, and I wanted to try it for myself. Writing this story was a way to merge two of my favourite genres and comforts. So, if you enjoy spice with a side of depravity, intense emotions, and a cathartic, satisfying happily ever after, this book is definitely for you!

JL: Publishing can sometimes be an act of courage, especially these days when everyone’s busy AF, surrounded by distractions and, of course, the background effects of cancel culture. Did any of this pose problems during the creative process?

SONIA: Honestly, I didn’t have too many worries while writing this book. The biggest challenge for me was just sticking to my self-made deadline because I'm a pretty slow writer, and this is a seasonal read. So, I had to push myself to make sure everything was done on time, especially while juggling a household and a six-year-old who already acts like a teenager!

But overall, I was pretty chilled about the process. I think having a clear deadline and staying organised helped me push through, even if it meant balancing writing with the usual chaos of life.

JL: In a hundred years time, if a literature study group analysed Scream Baby Scream, what would you like them to think about your book, about you as an author, or about the times we live in?

SONIA: I’d love for people to look back and see that this was an empowering time for women. I want my books to inspire women to take agency over their lives, to feel liberated and unafraid to ask for what they want and deserve – without shame or judgement. Through books, women are given the power to explore and embrace their desires. In 100 years, I hope people see this era as a positive turning point, where women reclaimed their power and lived freely.

JL: And, now that your book is out in the wild, what’s next for you?

SONIA: Good question! I’ve got a few projects lined up, depending on which characters decide to take over my brain next. I’m planning to finally dive into a second-chance contemporary romance that’s been swirling in my head since I wrote Hot Girl Summer. After that, it’s onto a contemporary enemies-to-lovers step-siblings novella, and then another contemporary project that’s still just a spark of an idea right now—so nothing set in stone. I’m taking it easy, seeing where the wind blows me, and going from there.

Scream Baby Scream by Sonia Palermo

One night.

One masked stalker.

Two rules.

The only thing I don't expect is the stranger lurking in the shadows, watching as our scene plays out.

As lines blur between pleasure and danger, sanctity and sin, fantasy and reality collide. But when it's time for the night to end, will I be able to walk away, or will my darkest fantasies consume me?

👉 Get this book 👈

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Content Note: Scream Baby Scream is an 18+ MFM erotic romance novella that explores the thin line between ecstasy and fear. This book contains sexual scenes, kink/fetish content, drug use, and strong language. Reader discretion is strongly advised. A full content note can be found in the front matter of the book.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

DIY hacks leave more time for reading!

Don’t you love a good hack? The other day I suspected that the downspout on my eavestrough was clogged. I had just paid someone to clean them, but we’d had a windy day and a big rainfall and I wondered if pine needles had made their way back into the eavestrough like metal filings attracted to a magnet. I really didn’t feel like pulling out the ladder and a friend suggested this hack: use a selfie stick and take a look at the eavestrough with a cell phone. Brilliant! Except I didn’t have a selfie stick. lol I had, however, been meaning to buy a cell phone mount for my bicycle handlebars so I wouldn’t have to hold my cell phone in my hand while geocaching on my bike. I went and bought an inexpensive handlebar mount and used it on a broom handle. Then I put my phone on video and recorded while I held it up above the downspout and along the eavestrough. Worked perfectly! And yes, I was right. I ended up pulling out the ladder and clearing it out, but at least now I can check first! I love this hack! Do you have any hacks that you love?


I’m excited to share Don’t Forget the Dog. This is the second book in the Dr. Brogan Corkie Matchmaking Doctor series. All of the books in the series are stand-alone humorous contemporary romances. Matchmaking at its funniest! 


Dr. Brogan Corkie is happily semi-retired from medicine and now has time for other hobbies. Her passion for food is second only to her skill at matchmaking! 


Blaine McKinnon, owner and executive chef of an upscale restaurant in Mapleton, has an adorable Old English sheepdog named Tacos. Brogan is roped into dog-sitting Tacos at Blaine’s house. The upside is the spectacular kitchen at her disposal.


Dr. Sabrina Langfield, a newly minted doctor, is in a bind when her mom, Rue, falls and fractures her wrist. Brogan offers to help and does double-duty looking after Tacos and Rue.


Blaine and Sabrina were high school sweethearts but parted ways when Blaine pushed Sabrina to pursue a career. Sabrina hasn’t seen him since, but Rue is a huge fan and frequents his restaurant. Rue’s biggest regret is her part in Sabrina and Blaine’s break-up, and with Brogan’s help, she’s determined to get them back together. It might not be that easy – Sabrina is wary of Tacos and, more pressing, she’s decided to move a four-hour flight away to do five more years of training in emergency medicine.


Will meddlesome matchmaking, Blaine’s persuasiveness, and – don’t forget the dog – Tacos’ sweet nature be enough to convince Sabrina to stay?


Enjoy an excerpt~

Blaine leaned against the wall. “I take it you’re still a plant-based, vegan, health food nut.”

Sabrina raised her chin. “There’s nothing wrong with choosing foods wisely to optimize health, despite what my mother thinks – or you, for that matter.”

He stepped closer and brushed at the snow melting on her neat ponytail. He could smell the perfume she wore. It took him back eleven years, and he almost lost his train of thought. “Eating for pleasure is just as important.”

Sabrina stiffened at his touch. Her back was ramrod straight. “Proper nutrition gives you the energy to enjoy what gives you pleasure.”

Her message and her body language read prim and proper, but her husky voice was pure sex. His body responded, and he leaned closer. “What gives you pleasure these days?”

She stopped him with a pointed finger jabbed into his chest and raised her chin. “Shouldn’t the question be who is giving me pleasure?”

Blaine jerked back, her words stopping him more effectively than a slap. He’d been fairly confident she hadn’t been dating anyone. He had a front seat window to the ticker tape of her life through Sabrina’s mom, who was a regular at Fire and Ice. There hadn’t even been a whisper of Sabrina dating, and even though two people couldn’t be any more different, Sabrina and her mom were still tight. There was no way Mrs. L wouldn’t know. He glanced at Sabrina’s left hand. No ring. She was baiting him, but he couldn’t deny the relief that coursed through him. He narrowed his eyes at her sublime expression and had to ask. “Who is giving you pleasure?”

Sabrina smiled slowly, her emerald eyes silently mocking him. “I would say that’s none of your business.”

She buttoned her coat. “I’ll pick my mom up after work at six.” She opened the door. “See ya.” She pulled the door shut behind her. 

Blaine stood in the foyer and, with a shake of his head, smiled reluctantly. Round one to Sabrina. She was still sassy, sexy, and smart – exactly why he loved her. Game on.



Buy Link:  https://www.amazon.com/Forget-Brogan-Corkie-Matchmaking-Doctor-ebook/dp/B086RQHH9B/


Award-winning author Linda O’Connor started writing romantic comedies when she needed a creative outlet other than subtly rearranging the displays at a local home décor store. Her books have enjoyed bestseller status. When not writing, she’s a physician at an Urgent Care Clinic. She shares her medical knowledge in fast-paced, well-written, sexy romances – with an unexpected twist. Her favourite prescription to write? Laugh every day. Love every minute.


Website https://www.lindaoconnor.net

Blog https://www.lindaoconnor.net/news-muse-and-interviews/

Twitter https://twitter.com/LindaOConnor98

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/LindaOConnorAuthor

Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/Linda-OConnor/e/B00S7CNLEA


Friday, September 13, 2024

Covid in fiction writing--Yea or Nay?

I'm just getting over a bad case of Covid so that's the only thing on my mind right now. I had it before, but this time was really horrible. It's slow going, but I'm improving.

Ever since Covid changed everything for everyone, I've been hesitant to write a contemporary story because I don't know if I should address Covid or set the story in an alternate world where Covid never happened. I had planned on expanding on a series that I finished and published before Covid, but I've put that on hold until I can decide what I want to do.

Covid is here to stay, and different variants keep popping up. It's much worse than the flu. I only had a case of the flu once in my life. I've had Covid twice in two years. And growing immunity? Good luck with that with all the variants. It's a huge part of our lives now, but does it belong in fiction? I guess it depends on the story. It probably works in a thriller. Covid cases probably don't work well in a romance unless you want to show how two people get along during a shutdown, or maybe they nurse one another back to health. And Covid must be putting a damper on the dating scene. I'm married so I really don't know.

I think if Covid fits with the plot, then it might work in a story. Otherwise, it could be glossed over--it's there but not really affecting anything in a big way.

Website: https://www.kelleyheckart.com/

Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/author/kelleyheckart

I have a horse, but I don't write about it


 Eleven years ago I bought a beautiful gelding, a horse named Mylord. I love to ride and I'm at the stable whenever possible. I take riding lessons, I enjoy long walks with him and I'm especially fond of riding through the woods. Once a year I take him on vacation to a friend's stable and enjoy a week of sunshine and more riding. If it's warm enough, the horse also likes to go to a nearby lake.

So I have a lot to do with horses, and I know something about riding. But in all those years, I hadn't written a book with a main character who also loved horses. When I realized what I was missing, my muse and I sat down to plot out the story for Riding with a Bodyguard. In the setting, it wasn't possible to make riding the center of the story, but at least I had a chance to include some riding lessons and some fun with horses.

I'm thinking about sending my FBI agent to investigate undercover in a stable. Maybe that will be one of the next stories...

Here’s an excerpt from Riding with a Bodyguard



The trouble with a vacation is that you never get what you wish for.

Riding and hiking in the New York State national forest—what could be more recuperative? When Secretary Nolan’s wife decides to have a pleasant week of riding in the national forest she can’t anticipate the trouble waiting for all of them, and the snowstorm is just the beginning.


“Sir, aside from protocol—are you kidding me?” Walter Coleman’s voice was serious, his gaze set on Secretary’s Nolan’s benevolent, amused face. “I mean, you’re telling me this as a joke at my expense, right?” He arched his brows and cocked his head, watching the secretary take off his glasses for polishing. “Sir?”

His voice was gentle. “Walter, I’ve been married to my wife for more than thirty years by now. That’s a long time. Much longer than the time I spent as a student, soldier or politician.” He put his glasses back on and looked at the chief of security. “Diane was born and raised in Lake Placid. While the other kids were skiing and playing ice hockey, she rode. Her parents kept horses as long as she lived there. Though she had to move with me to Washington because of my work, she’s never stopped riding. She simply loves it.”

“I know that, sir.”

“If you know that—you should know better than asking me to change my wife’s plans on how to spend our few days away from all appointments. I promised to fulfill a wish. She’s been telling me about a cross-country tour on horseback for half a year. Virtually since the day she…never mind.” He lowered his chin. “Honestly, Walter, are you kidding me asking me to change my wife’s mind?”

Walter exhaled loudly, and only because Nolan knew him inside and out did he dare show impatience. “You’re telling me your wife wants to ride from one lodge to the next, every day another accommodation? Through the woods of New York State?”

“That’s the plan, yes.” Nolan turned to the small table at the window overlooking the garden where he had left his glass. “Away from all streets, away from all the hassle—just a few people enjoying days in the wilderness. Hopefully with good weather.” He smiled over the rim. “I know you’re making calculations, Walter, so let me tell you there’s no other way than for all bodyguards to accompany us on horseback.”

“No motorcycles?”

“None. Period. Don’t come with helicopters or planes or drones or whatever you had on your list.” Nolan put down the glass, looking completely at ease. “Aside from the fact that there’s no driving on motorcycles through a national forest—who would come and bother us? I’m not the most wanted person in the United States, am I? I’m also not on the list of endangered celebrities and such.”

Walter lifted his hands to stress his argument. “I understand that I can’t make you change your mind—”

“No, you mean I won’t risk my health trying to change my wife’s mind.”

“Yes, sir. At least consider staying at one place. One lodge. One place we can secure and make sure you’ll be safe when you get there. Take day trips through the woods, but, please, return to the same house every evening.”

Nolan frowned. “You’re telling me to bargain with Diane?”

“Eventually you’ll have to drive a hard bargain with her, sir, but under the perspective of securing your stay, I have to admit that the effort seems worth it. I can send a team with you on every route, but sending one ahead to go through security routine every afternoon and night is much more difficult. Not to mention you’d need more men with you to have them deployed in time.”

Nolan sighed but nodded. “I’ll talk to her. I guess she already had a preferred lodge in mind. As I said, she was born and raised in the area and probably knows every damn soul worth knowing.” He smoothed his shock of white hair. The slightly amused glance was back in his eyes. “Tell me, Walter, will you accompany us?”

Walter pursed his lips. He hated admitting that there were tasks he couldn’t fulfill. “No, sir,” he replied through clenched teeth. “I’ll have to stay behind. I’ve never been on horseback, and I don’t want to.”

“Ah! And who’s your choice to head the bodyguards then?”

“I’m quite convinced Ethan Mahoney qualifies for this task.”

Nolan nodded, grinning. “That fits perfectly. Find out who else knows a horse’s front from its rear.”

“Yes, sir.” Walter turned away, unable to hide his puzzlement about the secretary’s exuberant mood.


Buy at Extasy Books, Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Kobo

ISBN: 978-1-4874-0865-7



Thursday, September 12, 2024

She'll risk everything for justice. He'll do whatever it takes to keep her safe... and in his arms. DEATH SENTENCE - Romantic Suspense - Military Heroes - Tina Donahue News Magazine #RomanticSuspense #MilitaryHeroes #TinaDonahueNewsMagazine


There are lots of goodies inside my September News Magazine.

Check it out for:

Death Sentence
Romantic Suspense
Omega Team Series
Military Heroes

About Death Sentence:

She’ll risk everything for justice…

He’ll do whatever it takes to keep her safe…and in his arms.

Greed and corruption rule at Zephron Correctional Institute for Women. A prisoner dies. The official ruling suicide.

Hallie Reyes knows it’s murder. Driven to protect the other inmates, she hires The Omega Team to infiltrate the prison where she works as a nurse. The agency sends Chase Wallace, a former Army Ranger. He’s tall, dark, deliciously male. Temptation Hallie doesn’t need but can’t resist.

Chase has been on dangerous missions before but never with a woman like Hallie. Fearless and determined, she’s everything he’s wanted and won’t chance losing.

Even if he has to take the entire prison down.


Giveaways nearly every day

Free Chapters and Reads

Eye Candy


Thanks so much for reading today's post. Hope you enjoyed it!

Follow me on Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/tina-donahue

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Duty, honor, service, and love of country

Today is the anniversary of the attacks of 9/11, when nearly 3,000 innocent people were murdered. On the day it happened, in 2001, Jack and I were far away from the events, in California. We had called home (Virginia) and Jack’s mom told us that “a plane flew into the World Trade center.” We were getting ready to drive to San Diego for a conference and hadn’t turned on the news, so we thought maybe a small plane had flown into one of the towers. We naively set off on our trip anyway, turning on the radio once we were heading south on I-5. By then, the second plane had hit and as we listened the Pentagon was attacked. Horror struck the more we listened, and by the time we’d driven an hour or so, we decided to turn around and go back to San Francisco. We lived across the street from City Hall and a check with our apartment manager let us know that a good bit of the street was cordoned off for security. Once home, we settled in to watch the disaster on TV.

Of course, shortly after the attack our military took center stage in retaliation. My dad, a 24-year veteran of the Navy, never wavered in his love of country and the Navy. Had he been a young man at the time, he would have been first at the recruiting office on 9/12—his dedication to the U.S. was that strong. I thought of him while I wrote Naval Maneuvers. I hope I did him justice.

Blurb: Naval Maneuvers
Men and women of the armed forces experience lust and love pretty much like everyone else. Except, well, there is that uniform. And the hard-to-resist attraction of "duty, honor, service" as a man might apply them to a woman's pleasure. All things considered, romance among the military is a pretty sexy, compelling force for which you'd better be armed, whether weighing anchor and moving forward into desire, dropping anchor and staying put for passion, or setting a course for renewed love with anchor home. Explore the world of love and the military and see just how hot Naval Maneuvers can be.


Buy link:
Amazon Kindle Unlimited

"And what is your name, pretty?" Mel Crandall addressed the dinosaur bones in an undertone, bending nearly to face level. The skeleton displayed an open mouth and rows of fierce, sharp teeth.

"Roger," a man standing next to her said in a low voice. Startled, she looked up. Up being the operative word. She stood a decent five feet ten inches, and he beat her by a good half foot. She studied him. He ignored her.

The guy had a solid profile, strong chin, chiseled cheekbones, and a straight back with muscular shoulders. Short brown hair. He wore glasses and stared straight ahead, but glasses couldn't disguise the laugh lines that radiated from the corners of his eyes. His posture was near perfect and he was not overweight, as evidenced by the trim fit of his jeans and red polo shirt that clung enough to give evidence of a low body/mass index number.

As a doctor, she immediately noticed body characteristics before actual looks. But with this guy, examination in lieu of admiration was hard. Men were often put off by the fact that she paid attention to whether they looked sallow or flushed, or if their hands were cold or warm before she "saw" them. She noticed if a man's eyes were dilated or glittered with fever before she registered eye color. Dates started with mini examinations before she relaxed enough to enjoy personalities, but that's just the way she was. Men had to take it or leave it. Sadly, most left it. Which was why she talked to dinosaurs at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History all on her own.

Mel moved on to the next exhibit, a shorter built specimen but still tall and with a nasty spiked tail. "I wonder what you looked like," she murmured. "What color were you, what did you eat, and what's your name?" She bent to read the exhibit information.

"Gray. Grass." That same guy had followed her. Rather than having a strong profile, she was beginning to think he was a weirdo. "Annnd, roger."

Quickly, Mel moved to the next exhibit. "And you are–"


He stood beside her again! Mel started to look for a museum guard but saw none. Great. Planting her hands on her hips, she turned to him. "Stop following me," she said loudly enough that people in the general area turned to see what was happening.

The guy said, "Hold it."

Hold it? Hold it, as in "Wait a minute, little lady?" She opened her mouth to lay into him when he turned and removed his glasses, showing her the richest, most chocolatey brown eyes she'd ever seen. The words stuck in her mouth.

"I'm sorry, what?"

In a lower voice she said, "You're following me from exhibit to exhibit and talking to me. I want you to stop."

"I didn't realize…" He wiggled the glasses at her. "I'm working here and I'm afraid I didn't notice you."

Well. What was worse, that he was a pervert following her place to place, or that he wasn't a perv and hadn't even noticed her?

His brow furrowed while he studied her. "Yes. Yes." Then he shook his head. "Roger."

Again with that Roger.

"Gotta go. Later." Then he smiled at her. "Just a minute, okay?" He folded the glasses and put them first in a protective case. Squatting, he placed a briefcase on the floor and opened it. He stored the glass case inside a pocket. Then he removed something from his right ear—an earbud?—protected it and also put it in the case.

Mel watched all of this with curiosity. He expected her to wait for him? What arrogance. And yet, wait she did. When he stood, holding the case in his left hand and smiled once more, her heart stuttered. The guy was drop dead gorgeous—at least to her understanding of the word. Normally, she appreciated the male form, mostly from a medical viewpoint. This man she enjoyed with pure pleasure.

And Good God. He hadn't been talking to her, he'd been talking to whoever was on the other end of that earbud.


5 Stars: “One short story after the next in this exciting heart racing book leaves you wanting more of them. Oh, and you may need a cold shower too. I enjoyed this book a great deal as I am a sucker for military romances and this one delivers.

 5 Stars: “These short stories have made me remember the passion between a woman and a man. Inspiring and heartfelt. A true gift this author has for sharing the beautiful relationship between a man and a woman.

 5 Stars: “I highly recommend Naval Maneuvers to readers who enjoy hot romance and humor. Dee S. Knight kept me turning pages until the end. I long for the next book where men and women make each other feel whole and dive into the unexpected. You don’t choose who you love. You just love.

5 Stars: “Dee has an amazing ability to pull the reader into the story, so much so, that you live and breathe the lives of the characters until you reach the end….I'm glad I bought her book and look forward to reading more from this author. :)”


A little about me:
A few years ago, Dee S. Knight began writing, making getting up in the morning fun. During the day, her characters killed people, fell in love, became drunk with power, or sober with responsibility. And they had sex, lots of sex.

 After a while, Dee split her personality into thirds. She writes as Anne Krist for sweeter romances, and Jenna Stewart for ménage and shifter stories. All three of her personas are found on the Nomad Authors website. And all three offer some of the best romance you can find! Also, once a month, look for Dee’s Charity Sunday blog posts, where your comment can support a selected charity. Sign up for her newsletter and have access to free reads.

Author links:

Website: https://nomadauthors.com

Blog: http://nomadauthors.com/blog

Twitter: http://twitter.com/DeeSKnight

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DeeSKnight2018

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/265222.Dee_S_Knight

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B079BGZNDN

Newsletter: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/h8t2y6

LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/dee-s-knight-0500749

Sweet ‘n Sassy Divas: http://bit.ly/1ChWN3K