
Friday, June 21, 2024


 And I'm talking about the weather. Here in the northeast, we've got quite a suffocating heatwave but relief is on the way with rain for tomorrow. Do you remember when it wasn't front page news that there was heat in the summer? It was expected! Now if we were in Australia, that would be a different story.

In honor of the heat level many are experiencing, I am sharing a snippet from Eyes of the Seer. This series takes place in ancient Ireland before it was invaded by the same Normans that had brought king-ships we're so familiar with to England. In Ireland, kings were selected by their fighting strength and ability. My hero is no different. He chooses to serve the king as his right hand man, and to keep a close eye on his lovely sister.


The wooden tub sat in the middle of the small space. Baskets and new oaken barrels were stacked alongside the walls, making it an even tighter fit for the two of them. Marcán turned toward Astrid, and she lifted his léine over his head with no hesitation. His tired imagination heard a gasp of pleasure from her.

With nerves of iron, he willed himself to remain unmoved by the gesture. His tight braies might go unnoticed if he quickly submerged himself. But the water was hotter than he’d anticipated, and he had to wait to sit all the way in the tub.

Astrid had turned away to drape the blood and mud caked garment over the barrels. When she turned back to him, he took a deep breath and sank into the water.

“Is it not overly hot?” she asked, a cloth in one hand and soap in the other.

“I am fine.” Marcán gritted his teeth, the steam rising around him, lapping against his chest. He felt like he was cooking, being prepared for a meal. With his knees bent up in front of him, he leaned forward to offer his back to her. Better to get this done quickly.

She hesitated but a moment before dipping the cloth into the water and lathering it. Surrounded by her scent, he closed his eyes in agony. “Yer own soap, Astrid?”

More sweet torture—and it would be clinging to him for many days.

“It is the best we have.”

Her hand against his skin was gentle, the swiping motion precise as she traced from shoulder to shoulder, working her way lower. He leaned his forehead against his knees.

God, don’t let her be gentle.

“Ye needn’t be too gentle. I am a warrior after all.” His laugh sounded stilted, but Astrid showed no sign of noticing.

She increased the pressure, her hand moving more quickly as she made her way down his back.


Tina Donahue said...

What a cover, Ashley - wow! LOVED the excerpt. :)

We're having godawful heat in the Southwest, too, but that's normal for us this time of year. Still... 100+ degree temperatures are terrible. I can't wait till Fall.

Ashley York said...

Hi Tina! I'm with you. I think Fall is probably my favorite time of year. Thanks :)