
Monday, June 3, 2024

Opportunity to win a limited edition art print: Twin Pearls by the author of No Ordinary Man

Good Morning my fellow book lovers!

I love the month of June when all things seem possible! This month I have two things to share will all of you.

First, I am offering the opportunity to win an art print painted by me. Here's the link on facebook where all you have to do is leave a short comment if you want to be entered in the draw.

Enter to Win

This is a photo of the print:

Secondly, my newest book release, No Ordinary Man, is being released from Rough Edges Press on the 18th.

I'll take a moment to tell you why I wrote the book:

Is there anyone alive who hasn’t dreamed of having a superpower? It’s a fun question to ask oneself, pondering what kind would be best to have. Invisibility? Time travel? Flight? Gift of healing? The problem is, for the hero of my latest book, Jackson Banks, his supernatural ability is the opposite of the power to heal, hands on like this author would dearly love to have. Instead, he has the power to stop bad individuals from committing crimes though it comes at a heavy cost. For Jackson, exhaustion. For the other guy, nothing short of feeling they are having an actual heart attack.

The idea for the gift, or curse as some would have it, is my own deep-seated need to halt evil from happening as so many people would desperately want to do as well given the opportunity, and what better way than bestowing the ability on a character that knows right from wrong and values it as highly as Jackson does.

I can only hope that you find reading Jackson’s story as riveting as I did the writing of it. Please, feel free to share any thoughts you have about No Ordinary Man. It’s very rewarding to connect with fellow readers and I always respond promptly, thanks to my grandma. She taught me many things, sharing her values and wise advice, from never be late or keep others waiting to always be kind and helpful. I like to think I walk a little in her giant footsteps.

Blurb for No Ordinary Man:

A man with a frightening skill set, a drug kingpin looking to use him to expand his influence, and the woman caught in the middle.

A lightning strike has left Jackson Banks scarred both inside and out, gifting him the power to stop men in their tracks. This ability defies nature and has left his life in shambles after causing the death of his own mother.

With his past sins weighing him down, Jackson fears he's destined to be alone, a monster hiding in the shadows. But when his abilities are discovered by two Mexican drug cartels, he is forced into a life he could not have imagined, sparking a war between the cartels.

Caught in a deadly tug-of-war between power-hungry factions, Jackson finds unexpected solace in Elena, a woman who sees beyond his scars to the man he truly is. As their love ignites, so does the conflict, thrusting Jackson into a perilous showdown with his past and the sinister forces that seek to control him.

Will Jackson muster the courage to confront his demons and fight for a future with Elena? Dive into 
No Ordinary Man now to unravel a web of deception, betrayal, and ultimately, redemption.

 Buy now!

Have a great month and I'll see you in July!

Hugs, January Bain/Storyteller


Tina Donahue said...

Adorable critters on the art print, January! Great giveaway, too. :)

January Bain said...

Thanks, Tina,
Please enter the giveaway if you have a moment. Wishing you a grand day!