
Monday, February 19, 2024

Living Together in Modern Times




In its latest issue, the news magazine Der Spiegel (The Mirror) reports on the changing forms of living together. The idea that only a man and a woman can live together and have a loving relationship is outdated. Nowadays it’s socially acceptable for two men or two women or even several people to live together under the same roof. Whether this is called friendship with benefits, open marriage, or polyamory is irrelevant. Most people just accept that there are different ways of living together without putting one above the other.

In my latest novel in the series with Nick & Jacklyn, I introduce FBI Agent Theodor Adams, who lives with a man and a woman in a loving threesome. Theodor fell in love with Wilbur during a bike ride in Miami, and he was head over heels for Robin when they met at a Christmas party a year later. Now they all live together in a house near Washington, DC.

So let me introduce you to my latest release with an excerpt from Family Matters.


Theodor was chopping peppers when Wilbur Graham appeared in the kitchen. He was twenty-seven years old, looked like a strange professor with his dark blond, overgrown hair and a beard he only cut when Robin urged him to. He was two inches taller than Theodor and had the same broad shoulders. Because he loved to eat everything Robin cooked, he had a paunch, which he often touched. At home, he acted and looked like a sloth, but when he presented his work as a software engineer, he dressed up in a suit and tie as if his income depended on his appearance. Humming with delight, he snatched a piece of pepper from the plate, and when Theodor playfully threatened him with a knife, he put his hand on Theodor’s butt and grinned like a fool.

“You wouldn’t use a dirty knife to cut me, would you?” He had a pleasant voice, trained to persuade customers. “If you want to cut me in half, get a new one, and please have it sharpened.” He stole another piece of pepper with his free hand.

“Thanks for cleaning the house,” Theodor said, continuing to chop vegetables while Robin prepared meat in a large pan. “Next time I'll do it.”

“Next time, we’ll have a maid,” Robin declared decisively, as if she had already made a list of possible employees.

“Oh, at last! Thank the gods for their insight!” Wilbur raised his hands to the ceiling. “And thank you, Robin, for convincing Mr. Scrooge that we can afford to pay someone. After all, we have three incomes!” He smiled and squeezed Theodor’s bottom affectionately. “Can I reward you somehow for your... concession?” In Theodor’s ears, the last word had a sexual connotation, and Wilbur's look indicated his intention.

“Tempting.” Theodor emptied the plate into the pan and Robin stirred the mixture. “But I promised Tim I’d be at our training session tonight.”

Wilbur rolled his eyes and sighed pathetically. “I forgot. What time will you be back?”

“Close to ten, if I take the car instead of the bike. Is that okay with you?” Theodor put the plate in the dishwasher. “Will you still be awake?”

“You mean because I’m one of those people who goes to bed at eight?” Wilbur snorted. “Get real, Agent Newbie. I’ll wait, program some stuff, and empty the fridge in the meantime.”

“Oh, by the way,” Robin prompted. “It’s my turn to do the grocery shopping, and it would be easier if you guys would write down what you want and not leave me guessing.”

“We’re the boys to her,” Wilbur said, looking lovingly at Theodor. He stroked the back of Theodor’s head. “Shall we be nice and write a list?”

“You write and I set the table,” Theodor decided and opened the cupboard with the plates. He felt a pleasant tingling where Wilbur’s hand had been. Though sexually sated, Wilbur had the power to stir his feelings like no other man.

“As you wish.” Wilbur laughed at his little joke and got paper and pencil.

Theodor looked at his friend’s back and sighed. He was blessed with friends and a great job. It couldn’t get any better.


Let me know your thoughts!

1 comment:

Tina Donahue said...

I love books like Nick and Jacklyn. To me, love is love. As long as those involved are consenting adults, what they do is no one's business. Honestly, I'm mystified as to why anyone's bothered by what other people do. Don't they have their own lives to live? Or are they so miserable, they want to curse others with that? As they say, misery loves company.