
Monday, March 10, 2025

Out Now! Taken by the Faerie by @meganslayer #faerie #romance #paranormal @changelingpress


Taken by the Faerie (Taken 8)

A Paranormal Women’s Fiction Novel

Taken by the Faerie (Taken 8)

Author: Megan Slayer

Cover Art: Bryan Keller

BIN: 011410-03715

Genres: Action AdventureContemporary RomanceDark FantasyParanormalRomanceSuspense

Themes: Age Gap (Older Man)Elves, Dragons & Magical CreaturesMagic, Sorcery, and WitchcraftVampires

Series: Taken (#8)

Book Length: Novel

Page Count: 124

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] https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1661044








Thaddeus Maguire is a vampire. He can’t remember the last time he felt young, vibrant and alive. He’s made choices he regrets, but when one of those mistakes comes back to haunt him, he’s forced to face his past. The only place a hungry, beaten vampire can heal and recharge is the best sanctuary for anyone paranormal. Eerie.

When he forces himself through a portal to his hometown, he lands at the feet of the most beautiful flame-red haired Faerie he’s ever seen. The moment he looks up at Tasia, he’s in love. But who could love a broken vampire?

Tasia isn’t afraid of the damaged vampire, and she’s determined to make him see he’s more than his mistakes.

Can they outrun his past and find a future before his biggest mistake destroys them? Love is possible when you’ve been taken by the Faerie.



Copyright ©2024 Megan Slayer

“Excuse me. Do you need help?” A red haired Faerie, dressed in a pale green dress, touched his shoulder. When he met her gaze, electricity shot through him. His skin tingled from her touch. When she smiled, she warmed him throughout. The odd look in her eyes confused him, though. Was that interest or fear?

“You do need help. Are you… you’re cut. Oh, Hera, please let me help you.” She grasped him under his arms and hoisted him to his feet. “What happened to you? No, I get it. I see, and I’m not letting you languish out here.”

“What are you talking about?” He didn’t understand how she’d figured out he had a problem, other than the slashes and blood. The way she talked, it was like she knew what was going on. Had she seen other vampires coming to Eerie after being assaulted? How many more of them were there? “How do you seem to know what I’m thinking? What’s in my gut?”

“We should talk.” She nodded to a bench, then paused. “We could stop here by the street, but you’re safer if you come with me to the Hall. We’ll go to my work.”

“You’re a cop.” He dug in his heels as best he could. “I’m not going to the cops.” He’d done that plenty of other times and usually landed in jail for twenty-four hours for what was claimed to be his own protection. Har. More like the protection of the community.

If he’d gone mad or gone rogue, then everyone was in danger, but he hadn’t on either account. He was just fine. Hurt, but fine. Beyond that, the cops tended to have mages and necromancers on their staff who could read his mind. They’d see way more than he wanted to share.


1 comment:

Tina Donahue said...

This sounds like a great story. LOVE the cover. :)