
Thursday, August 8, 2024

Most Romantic Places Inside or Outside a Book

Though I write some very sexy stuff in my books, I am well aware that not all things that are sexy or romantic in a book are the same in real life. I love to include a good shower scene in one of my stories, the characters all warm and moist and pressed close together. In reality, a real romp in a shower can be cold, and slipper, and too unnerving to really enjoy. But that doesn’t stop me from enjoying reading these scenes over and over again.

The same can be true for all kinds of aspects of a book. From some stories that are sexy between the pages of a good book, like a dark romance kidnapping, that would absolutely frightening in real life. To the places these stories are set in. I don’t care how romantic and sexy it might be in a book, I have never found my workplace to be an exciting location. If I were to fall in love at work, we would definitely be take our amorous activities home, and not to the supply closet.

But there are some places, that are just as sexy and romantic whether you find them in the pages of a book or in your everyday life. Places that evoke feelings of love and longing and romance regardless of all else around.

While these may be different for everyone, here are the places I find romantic, in and out of a novel.

Mountain Cabin (especially in the snow). Maybe it's because I’m a northern baby, or may it’s just my mentality, but I love a good snowed in cabin. That is probably obvious from my books, that are often set in snowy towns, or on dark snowy nights. The isolation of a cabin, away from the world, away from your troubles, away from anything that might disturb the connection between you and your special someone is something I find very appealing. And extremely romantic. As the world gets more and more busy, complicated, and noisy, I only find a romantic escape to a distant mountain top all the more appealing.

Paris. I’m sure this one goes without saying. Between the amazing food, the beautiful locations, and the history, there’s not much that isn’t romantic in this city (except for the traffic). Even their very language sounds sultry and seductive to the ear and on the lips. If you can’t find a romantic spot to sneak away to in Paris, you clearly aren’t trying hard enough.

Antique Bookstore/Library. This one might be specific to us bookish babes, which I assume most that read this blog, but nothing is more romantic in my mind than being surround by books. However, it can’t be just any bookstore that really calls to my sweet romantic heart. I love Barnes and Noble, but I’m not sure how romantic it is. However an antique bookstore, filled with old books, the musty paper smell filling the room, would have me thinking steamy romance. Not to mention all the dark and quiet corners to hide away in for a few wicked deeds.

Grand Central Station. Maybe not the most romantic of locations to some, but I’ve always loved the majesty and old world charm of Grand Central. The beautiful star laden ceilings, the art deco architecture, calling back to the romance of old New York. Calling forth images of women dressed in all their finery, and man in waistcoats and top hats, ready to ride the train to some exotic destination. It has always seemed the perfect place to snag a fiery kiss under the painted stars.

A private boat off the Grecian coast. Just like with the mountain cabin, the privacy and escape from the world is deeply appealing, drifting off in a boat to points unknown. The romance of being alone with your partner. Just you, and them, and the ocean breeze in your hair. The crystal blue water, white sandy beaches, balmy weather. A total escape from the world where you can laugh, and love, and play together. You even can spend the whole day naked and enjoying your partner if you wish. But if you do, I strongly recommend lots and lots of sunscreen.

Castle on a misty mountain top. A national monument, a remodeled hotel, or just a few halls remaining after years of erosion and neglect, a castle is always beaming with romance. Maybe even more so now, than in its original days. The time and dedication that is written into the walls of such a place, is awe inspiring. Calling back to knights, and kings, and chivalry. Where men and women fought for love, through trial and tribulation. And the timelessness of romance and love. And who doesn’t find that appealing?

These are the places I find just as romantic in and out of the pages of a book. Where are yours?

1 comment:

Tina Donahue said...

I've tried the romp in a shower. Worst experience ever.