
Saturday, February 8, 2025

Celebrate Love Year Round

Many romance authors, and readers, don’t like Valentine’s Day, and I am definitely one of them. It’s not the holiday itself that I have issues with. I love the idea of a day devoted to love. I’m a loveaholic. I wouldn’t write and almost exclusively read these kind of stories, if I didn’t love love. Its more how the world perceives the romance industry, especially on February 14th, that I don’t like.

During this month there will be a hundred new articles put out, discussing why people love romance, is it good for you, is it bad for you, does it set unrealistic expectations, is it empowering, it’s enough to make me want to pull my hair out. While some of the articles are can be interesting and even insightful, most are more demeaning and annoying than offer any real value.

Even more infuriating are the bookstores, that suddenly realize that romance exists on February first, even though it is one of the bestselling genres all year long. They pull out romance novels, almost all with red and soft sweet pink covers and feature them prominently in the store, as if no one could find the romance section on their own if they wanted a sweet valentine’s day read. I know it is all meant in good fun, and it is nice to see romance books highlighted in a bookstore, but it would be nice to see them get their praise more than a few weeks a year.

If you’re like me, and Valentine’s Day has become tainted for you, here are a few other holidays that you can celebrate focused on love, but without all the pomp of that other holiday.

Earth Day/Arbor Day – Instead of just focusing on your love for one person, how about love for the entire world. Show some love for our planet. Instead of giving flowers or chocolates, plant a tree with your sweetie. The privacy and shade it offers might be a great places to get frisky.

Fourth of July – Instead of seeing fireworks from a kiss, witness the real thing. Celebrate your love surrounded by fireworks, hot dogs and usually some good drinks. Its everything that a great date can offer without any chalky candy hearts or singing teddy bears.

National Loving Day (July 22) – This day celebrates the supreme court verdict in Loving verse the state of Virginia, and the beauty of interracial relationships. I can’t think of a better day to celebrate love, then in honor of a couple who were willing to do anything to be together, even fight the very state they lived in. If that isn’t devotion, I don’t know what is.

International Friendship Day (July 30) – Not all love is romantic love. Friendship is just as important, and for many might be more valuable or longer lasting than romantic love. I can’t think of a day more filled with love, than a day devoted to the people that stand by you through thick and thin, through each first kiss and every subsequent break up.

National Hugging Day (January 21) –There is not better way to show your love than with a good hug. Whether its to a partner, a friend, a family member or just another human that needs some affection and support, hugs really are the international language of love. More than kisses, or dancing, hugs convey love and affection to so many. What could be better than a day celebrating so much caring?

National Love People Day (September 30) – How could a day devoted to loving everyone not be filled with more affection than any other day of the year? Spend the day showing everyone, from the barista at Starbucks, to your coworkers, to your honey, to anyone you meant, show them all the love you have in your heart. Not only will you bring a little more joy into their lives, you might also find your own heart expanded from all the affection you receive in return. Not just from one person, but from everyone.

These are just a few of the holidays you can celebrate this year, if you don’t want to get sucked into the Valentine’s Day craziness but you still want to celebrate love in all its forms. Because who doesn’t want to celebrate all the good things love brings you, all the different types of love in your life, without having to fill your shopping cart with red and pink hearts. I know I do.

And if you do feel like you want to get in that valentine’s mood, check out my book Heart’s Ultimatum, and read how Krista plans to make this Valentine’s Day the best one yet, but her boyfriend James manages to screw it all up, and possibly their whole relationship. It will be only $0.99 from February 14th through February 16th at Bookstrand.com

Buy Link: Heart's Ultimatum (MF) - BookStrand | Bestselling Erotic Romance eBooks

Blurb : Krista Matthews has been in love with James for two years, but he's never mentioned commitment. After she plans him the ultimate naughty Valentine's Day surprise, and he doesn't say those three magical words, she knows it's time to move on.

She may be plushy and curvy, but she still deserves someone who loves her for all she is. Wounded by the past, James Peterson became principal at a new school to escape his mistakes. What he never anticipated was meeting someone as amazing as Krista. She fits him in every way—except her need for a ring. When she dishes out a Valentine's Day ultimatum—give her more or end their relationship—all those old fears come racing back.

Does James have the courage to face his past for the woman he loves? Or will he lose her on principle?

1 comment:

Tina Donahue said...

I feel like VD is... so what? It's never hit me one way or another. I prefer people loving each other all year long.

As far as the 4th of July goes - it's dead to me as long as what's happening these days continues. This greedy/mean/lawless America isn't the one I grew up in.