
Saturday, December 2, 2023

Nanoing Didn't Go Well, but... #MM #writing #darkromance #michaelmandrake


Greetings everyone. 

Yes, you see the title. Nano didn't go as well as I'd hoped, but contrary to what you might believe, I'm not upset. 

Why you ask? 

I started writing again! 

For the first time in months, I felt good about telling my story. The characters spoke, and I sensed the same feelings of vigor and excitement when the words flowed from my fingers to the page. 

Unfortunately however, I hit a road block with the story, and didn't return. Then real life got in the way, meaning job and other responsibilities, but I still see a light at the end of the tunnel. 

This weekend I'm event planning, so once this is over I'll return to the story and try my best to finish before the end of the year. Even when I was writing steadily I didn't see it getting done because I still needed time to plan promotions and get back into publisher mode. So its more logical to say February for this release since I'll finish the book by Christmas or first two weeks of February. 

And that's okay, because the main thing is, I'm writing again. I love these characters too, which makes a huge difference and as for the story, I believe a little tweaking and some second opinions is what I need to get me in the right direction. 

So yes, I failed NANO, but it's still a win for me in this long journey back to writing steadily.

How about you guys? If you attempted Nano, how did you do? Please share your thoughts.

Thanks for listening!

Check out my website http://thelitriad.com

1 comment:

Tina Donahue said...

Hey, you're back in the saddle again writing-wise - that is a success.

We all have roadblocks. The real trick is to move past them and continue your dream.

You did. You go, girl! :)