
Saturday, February 15, 2025

I could get fired for this, but what the hell

“Melody and I have an arrangement,” he ventured.

I swallowed a word and spoke a whisky; the single malt burned in an odd place. Covering up a choke, I handed back the glass.

“You have an open marriage?”

He seemed relieved. “Good, you’ve heard of those. That saves me a lot of explaining.”

“I mean, I’ve heard of them. I’ve just never met anyone in one. What’s it like?”

“It’s… what you make it. I’m not sure what to tell you. It is what it is.”

“But don’t you get jealous? Doesn’t she?”

“At first, sure. But I know she’ll always come back. And she knows I’ll be here when she does. We’ve been together a long time, Julie. Things change when you know someone long enough.”

“You mean you fell out of love?”

“No, quite the opposite. Our love is deeper than it’s ever been.”

I didn’t get it. Not completely. The suspicious side of me wondered if he was just a very smooth sleaze bag, but the idea didn’t sit right. Garden variety sleaze bags tend to be all-or-nothing. They’re either full-on into you, or they talk about their tastes and other conquests, hinting at a standard you’re supposed to live up to.

I didn’t see that in Henry Aston; not in his tone, nor his demeanour. You meet enough rich businessmen who act like they’re God’s gift, and you can spot them a mile off. No, this guy was giving me a glimpse into his life the way he lived it. That was that.

And I have to admit, despite my reservations, the idea lit me up.

Here was a charming, attractive guy who came pre-vetted by a woman who was obviously a catch, _and_ he was available with no strings attached, no risk of either of us expecting more because we’d both know the deal.


I say that like it was even on the table.

Maybe it was. As we left the bar, he put his hand on my back. It lingered after we crossed the threshold—an invitation? I didn’t pull away or shrug it off, but fell in step and matched his pace. Would he take that as a yes? Would I have minded if he did?

About Henry by JL Peridot

Let me tell you about Henry. I could get fired for this, but what the hell.

Julie was perfectly fine, admiring the rich American Henry Aston from a distance. That is, until he asked her out to dinner. But there's just one problem: CapriLuxe Perth has a strict policy against employees fraternising with the guests.

Sorry, two problems: Henry Aston's married.

ABOUT HENRY: A NOVELLA presents JL Peridot's erotic short story, originally published in the notorious CapriLuxe Chronicles anthology, and featured on The Good Bits website and podcast.

It also includes the follow-up story, ABOUT HER, where we discover what happened when the Astons got back from their road trip; what happened after a chance meeting in a cocktail bar on the other side of town; and what happened when Henry finally introduced Julie to his wife.

💋 Get this book from the usual digital retailers 💋


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(Enter BACKROOM25 at checkout for a special discount! Valid til end of Feb.)

JL Peridot writes love letters to the future on devices from the past. Visit jlperidot.com for the full catalogue of her work or subscribe to Dot Club for a collection of her tiny stories.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Love for Canada

I write romantic comedy and as my brand, I aim to write blog posts that are uplifting and fun. But today I’m going off brand and discussing something sad and serious.
I’ve been very lucky as a romance writer to participate on this blog on the 14th of each month – including February 14, Valentine’s Day, a day to celebrate all things love. I was thinking about what I love, and well, family and friends come first, but close to the top is my country, Canada. I love our tuques and double doubles, Nanaimo bars and Beaver Tails, the extra u in many words, and our snowy winters. We embrace diversity and equity. I’m a doctor, and I love that I don’t have to ask a patient if they can afford health care before I see them. I’m proud that we opened our hearts and homes during 9/11 and, more recently, our pilots were there beside the American and Australians fighting the forest fires in Los Angeles.
So you can imagine how horrifying it is to hear the American president talk about annexing Canada. His intention is to invade Canada to obtain access to our natural resources through bloodshed and lives. Because it will, almost certainly, trigger a world war. It’s terrifying and almost unimaginable. I fervently hope and pray that it won’t happen, but I can tell you that anxiety is high. While this threat exists, I’ll take a break from blogging. Thank you, Tina, for inviting me and engaging in my posts. I’ve really enjoyed it.
Always neighbours. Never neighbors.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Soul Echoes Complete Series


Of Water and Dragons: He's a Roman soldier. She's an enemy of Rome and half-Fae.
Of Ravens and Wolves: Magic demands its price.
Of Gods and Vengeance: Unravel the threads of fate.

Books with strong female leads who fight for their beliefs.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

14 FREE Romance Novellas - Tina Donahue Monthly News Magazine - Giveaways Nearly Every Day - Free Chapters - Eye Candy #FREERomanceNovellas #TinaDonahueMonthlyNewsMagazine #Giveaways #FreeChapters #EyeCandy


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Thanks so much for reading today's post. Hope you enjoyed it!

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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Baking up a little something for Valentine’s Day!

Years ago, I wrote a novella for a duet book with Valentine’s Day in mind. I wanted something different and developed the idea of a demon—who wasn’t all that demonic—being sent from Hell to prove her worth by corrupting a human. The human she chose, to her surprise, was an angel who had been sent to Earth to fulfill his greatest wish, to bake something perfect and worthy of Heaven. He’d been what he considered an ordinary baker in his life and he wanted to do so much more. Not unexpectantly, Mariah (our demon) had a difficult time corrupting Patrick. But what they discover is that the longer they remain on Earth, he becomes a little less holy and she becomes a little less what he father Lucifer wants her to be. What could happen? Maybe a revolution!

I’d forgotten about this story, but now I’m thinking I might revise it and offer it for sale… Look for Candy Hearts and Flours coming soon!

In the depths of Hell, things aren’t much different than here on Earth. There, as here, fathers find their daughters to be difficult ... creatures. And, there, as here, lessons are posed when behavior is unacceptable. In the case of Mariah Luce, a demon who just can’t seem to get evil down to a science, instruction comes in the form of a short visit topside. Her mission? To find a saint of a man and seduce him. In other words, to corrupt someone incorruptible. If Mariah can pull this off, she'll be evil! And welcomed back home.

At the other end of the spectrum, Joseph Patrick Benedict Smith has been an angel for centuries. His colleagues spent their time on Earth fighting devils or saving towns from floods, experiencing holy visions or converting whole nations to God. Not Joseph. He baked bread. Now he longs to do something huge, something he can point to with pride of accomplishment, and--heavens!--he’s being given the chance.

For one week, Las Vegas will host an humble baker as he strives for perfection in the Candy Hearts and Flours contest, and a determined demon who scours the city looking for one sainted man. Can she withstand the urge to be good, and can he resist the sweet pull of temptation?

 Buy link:
Not yet available


Her father’s voice echoed through the chambers of Hell, bouncing off the rock ceilings and careening off the walls until all she really heard was a thunderous “...ahhhhh!” by the time the sound found her. She didn’t question that he bellowed her name. Indeed he only screamed when he was upset, and he only ever became that upset with one person. Her.

Mariah Luce sighed before closing her book and dragging herself from beside the fiery lake and up the path toward home. What had she done now? She stopped suddenly, remembering. There had been that teensy, tiny glass of water she’d given the man yesterday. But he’d been thirsty. And so good looking, and when she released him to stand next to her and drink, his naked body had glistened with the sweat of desire and longing. Such was everyone in the Second Circle where those who lust were trapped, but this man’s body had spoken to her. Truly.

That couldn’t be the reason her father called her, though. Yes, she’d broken the rules by releasing the man in order to give him a sip of cool water. And sure, she’d enjoyed the picture he presented, his sacs heavy and penis erect, standing next to her. But right after he drank, she returned him to the circle. There was no way her father could know about her transgression.

Mariah skidded to a halt inside the courtyard to her family home. Her father paced in front of the door as though guarding it from assault. His hands grasped his wrists behind his back and his face literally glowed blood red. She hadn’t seen him this angry since that vile man, Dante, had infiltrated Hell and then documented the structure that her dad and others had worked millennia to perfect.

Oh, dear. Whatever had happened was serious.

Off to one side stood her sister, hands folded over her very pregnant belly and smiling like the lying bitch she was. Her father couldn’t know about the glass of water yesterday ... unless Mariah had been seen. She narrowed her eyes at her sister, which only brought about a widening of the smug smile.

“There you are.” Her father’s voice rumbled like the worst thunderstorm on Earth. Feet spaced apart and arms crossed over his chest, he seemed ten feet tall and as imposing as a mountain. Flames flickered in his eyes. The horns protruding half a foot from the top of his head vibrated with fury. Fury directed at her.

“Yes, Daddy?” She was the baby and her father’s pride and joy, which both explained and obscured why he became so frustrated with her at times. She looked up, batting her eyes and showing the smallest upturn of her lips as she felt some small measure of relief. Whatever had brought about her father’s ire was too great to be her fault. She was yet a young demon with limited powers. Still, that look of pure pleasure on her sister’s face gave her pause.

“You’ve overstepped your bounds this time, young lady.” He’d lowered the volume, which frightened Mariah much more than the booming tones he’d used earlier. “Do you know what the problem is?”

She shook her head, afraid her voice would betray the trepidation building in her belly.

“Does this refresh your memory?” Her father extended his arm, palm up. Water sprung from his hand and spilled between his fingers, popping and spitting as it struck the blistering surface before hissing into spirals of steam.

The spring of water ended and his arms again draped across the expanse of his chest.

Mariah could only stand silently in the face of her dad’s wrath. “I’m sorry, Daddy.”

Perhaps it was that she offered no excuse or fast-talking explanation. Whatever the reason, her father’s anger disappeared. He rested his hands on her shoulders. “Mariah, why do you do these things?” He nodded to where her sister stood. “Cassandra never does anything good or decent. Why can’t you be more like your sister? Sometimes, sweetheart, your mother and I despair at where we went wrong with you.”

“But, Daddy, I...”

“Cease!” He stepped away, a glare returning to his face. “Perhaps you don’t realize the harm you incur when you do something...” he grimaced “--nice. That man to whom you gave the water was refreshed. He went back into the Second Circle renewed, if only a little. But it just takes a little, Mariah. Immediately, he found a woman to fuck and came to release, making him feel even better. She climaxed, too, and experienced relief from need. Then she turned to another man and fucked again. By the time Cassandra warned me what had happened, the whole circle was a fucking mess. You see? One good deed leads to another, and another, and... That’s not why we’re here.”

He took a breath, but it didn’t seem to calm him.

“Do you like living here, Mariah?”

“What?” Startled, she gazed into his eyes, searching for a spark of the indulgent love she usually found. But there was no love. Only stark blackness to a depth she’d never known. “Here with you and Mama? Of course I like living here, I love it.”

“Then listen to me well. I’ve put up with your pranks and rebelliousness long enough. I overlooked when you went down to the Third Circle and chatted with the gluttons because you took your lunch with you and ate in front of them. Only later I heard that you’d shared your dessert with a woman. And I tried to be gentle in my punishment when you slipped into the Seventh Circle and allowed the heretics an audience to rail against ... well, you know who. It granted them some peace and I had to go before the council, but I gave you nothing more than a slap on the wrist. This time, you must learn. For your own good, you must discover what it is to be evil.”

Mariah felt the coldness of dread settle into her bones. Not a light matter in the heat of Hell.

“I’m sending you to Earth.”

She gasped. “No, Father! Please, not that!”

“Yes! No place in Hell compares to Earth when it comes to learning about evil. You have five days. During that time, you must find a saint, if one still exists, and you must seduce him. Bring him to his knees with desire. Feel the power that comes from control and bask in the glow of his fall from grace. When you glory in making a truly good man turn bad, then you’ll know the joy of evil and you may return.” Her father closed his eyes and took a harsh breath. Under the blood-rust of his complexion, he seemed to pale. “If you have not accomplished this in the designated time, you will be exiled forever from the gates of Hell.”

Mariah collapsed, unable to believe the heinousness of her punishment. She even heard a gasp from Cassandra. Never to come home? To share a joke with her mother, or playfully tease her father? She might never again sit and read a book beside the fiery lake or hear the screams of the damned. How would she bear it?

Her father’s strong hands lifted her to her feet. “Go, daughter, and take the lesson to heart. Search out a saint and destroy him. There will be no joy in Hell for your mother and me until you find the true path.” He chucked her under the chin and gave her a half smile. “You’ll see, my little demon. Once you’ve experienced being bad, you won’t want to go back to your old ways.”

He kissed her cheek, snapped his fingers, and she found herself on the strip in Las Vegas, Nevada.

 A little about me:
A few years ago, Dee S. Knight began writing, making getting up in the morning fun. During the day, her characters killed people, fell in love, became drunk with power, or sober with responsibility. And they had sex, lots of sex.

 After a while, Dee split her personality into thirds. She writes as Anne Krist for sweeter romances, and Jenna Stewart for ménage and shifter stories. All three of her personas are found on the Nomad Authors website. And all three offer some of the best romance you can find! Also, once a month, look for Dee’s Charity Sunday blog posts, where your comment can support a selected charity. Sign up for my newsletter and have access to free reads.

 Author links:

Website: https://nomadauthors.com

Blog: http://nomadauthors.com/blog

Twitter: http://twitter.com/DeeSKnight

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DeeSKnight2018

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/265222.Dee_S_Knight

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B079BGZNDN

LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/dee-s-knight-0500749

Sweet ‘n Sassy Divas: http://bit.ly/1ChWN3K



Monday, February 10, 2025

Taken by the Necromancer by @meganslayer #romance #hot #paranormal #eroticromance @changelingpress


Taken by the Necromancer (Taken 7) A Dark Fantasy Women's Fiction Novel by Megan Slayer   

A newly turned vampire and a necromancer shouldn’t work. But what if they do?

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Briley Reed never expected to be a vampire or thought she’d find herself heading to Eerie, but a brutal attack changes everything. When a mystery man sends her to Eerie to find Atticus, she realizes just how much her life has changed.

But could it be for the better?

Atticus Maguire wants to be left alone. He’s had his heart broken and he’s done with love. Then Briley shows up in his life and it’s turned upside down. He wasn’t planning to fall in love, but the magic never lies.




All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2024 Megan Slayer

His skin tingled. A vision formed in his mind. A woman approaching and his brother warning her to find him. He frowned. Who was this woman, and why would his brother appear in his vision? He tipped his head. Who was she? He wasn’t sure. The vision wasn’t clear enough.

He glanced over his shoulder. The woman wasn’t even in Eerie, but he felt her. Another vision formed in his mind. This time, the woman stood in his living room and wore nothing.

A nude woman in his home.

What was he getting himself involved in?

He’d figure it out when she arrived. If he knew one thing more than anything else, fighting the future wasn’t smart. The future would happen no matter what he did.

Still, he wished he knew more about this person trying to locate him. She might end up hating him. The nudity might be because she was getting revenge… on him? Someone else?

The more he thought about this woman, the more the vision of her nude in his living room came into focus. Slender, curly brown hair down to her shoulders, wide eyes, blushing from her hairline to her chest, breasts just right for his hands and curves to make his mouth water. He longed to touch her. He hadn’t even met her yet, and she’d stirred his magic.

He wondered what her kiss would taste like.

He shook his head. Her kiss! She might not even want to kiss him.

The water sloshed against the bank and tore his attention from the woman. His woodland oasis would be invaded. Did he mind?

Not really.

He headed back to the house as a shiver ran the length of his spine. The woman hadn’t reached Eerie, but she was on the outskirts. She also needed his help.

He grabbed his keys, then tucked his phone into his front pocket. Once he locked up the cabin, he rushed out to his motorcycle. He sped out of the shed toward the gravel path, then the road. Living on the far side of the lake meant he’d waste precious minutes rounding the body of water to get to her, but his magic swore she was closer than he’d thought.

Atticus sped down the back road to the edge of town. Her car wasn’t broken down, but she had a follower. He couldn’t see the person in the truck tailing her. Didn’t matter. He’d use a cloaking spell to hide her from the other driver. He spotted her little car, and his heart skipped a beat. He’d never met her, but he had a connection to her.

He pulled out onto the main road between her and the truck, blocking the following vehicle from getting to her. At the same time, he spoke the words to the spell and enveloped her in the invisible cloak. She’d never know he was behind her, but she would know the truck was gone.

Now he could deal with the truck.


Saturday, February 8, 2025

Celebrate Love Year Round

Many romance authors, and readers, don’t like Valentine’s Day, and I am definitely one of them. It’s not the holiday itself that I have issues with. I love the idea of a day devoted to love. I’m a loveaholic. I wouldn’t write and almost exclusively read these kind of stories, if I didn’t love love. Its more how the world perceives the romance industry, especially on February 14th, that I don’t like.

During this month there will be a hundred new articles put out, discussing why people love romance, is it good for you, is it bad for you, does it set unrealistic expectations, is it empowering, it’s enough to make me want to pull my hair out. While some of the articles are can be interesting and even insightful, most are more demeaning and annoying than offer any real value.

Even more infuriating are the bookstores, that suddenly realize that romance exists on February first, even though it is one of the bestselling genres all year long. They pull out romance novels, almost all with red and soft sweet pink covers and feature them prominently in the store, as if no one could find the romance section on their own if they wanted a sweet valentine’s day read. I know it is all meant in good fun, and it is nice to see romance books highlighted in a bookstore, but it would be nice to see them get their praise more than a few weeks a year.

If you’re like me, and Valentine’s Day has become tainted for you, here are a few other holidays that you can celebrate focused on love, but without all the pomp of that other holiday.

Earth Day/Arbor Day – Instead of just focusing on your love for one person, how about love for the entire world. Show some love for our planet. Instead of giving flowers or chocolates, plant a tree with your sweetie. The privacy and shade it offers might be a great places to get frisky.

Fourth of July – Instead of seeing fireworks from a kiss, witness the real thing. Celebrate your love surrounded by fireworks, hot dogs and usually some good drinks. Its everything that a great date can offer without any chalky candy hearts or singing teddy bears.

National Loving Day (July 22) – This day celebrates the supreme court verdict in Loving verse the state of Virginia, and the beauty of interracial relationships. I can’t think of a better day to celebrate love, then in honor of a couple who were willing to do anything to be together, even fight the very state they lived in. If that isn’t devotion, I don’t know what is.

International Friendship Day (July 30) – Not all love is romantic love. Friendship is just as important, and for many might be more valuable or longer lasting than romantic love. I can’t think of a day more filled with love, than a day devoted to the people that stand by you through thick and thin, through each first kiss and every subsequent break up.

National Hugging Day (January 21) –There is not better way to show your love than with a good hug. Whether its to a partner, a friend, a family member or just another human that needs some affection and support, hugs really are the international language of love. More than kisses, or dancing, hugs convey love and affection to so many. What could be better than a day celebrating so much caring?

National Love People Day (September 30) – How could a day devoted to loving everyone not be filled with more affection than any other day of the year? Spend the day showing everyone, from the barista at Starbucks, to your coworkers, to your honey, to anyone you meant, show them all the love you have in your heart. Not only will you bring a little more joy into their lives, you might also find your own heart expanded from all the affection you receive in return. Not just from one person, but from everyone.

These are just a few of the holidays you can celebrate this year, if you don’t want to get sucked into the Valentine’s Day craziness but you still want to celebrate love in all its forms. Because who doesn’t want to celebrate all the good things love brings you, all the different types of love in your life, without having to fill your shopping cart with red and pink hearts. I know I do.

And if you do feel like you want to get in that valentine’s mood, check out my book Heart’s Ultimatum, and read how Krista plans to make this Valentine’s Day the best one yet, but her boyfriend James manages to screw it all up, and possibly their whole relationship. It will be only $0.99 from February 14th through February 16th at Bookstrand.com

Buy Link: Heart's Ultimatum (MF) - BookStrand | Bestselling Erotic Romance eBooks

Blurb : Krista Matthews has been in love with James for two years, but he's never mentioned commitment. After she plans him the ultimate naughty Valentine's Day surprise, and he doesn't say those three magical words, she knows it's time to move on.

She may be plushy and curvy, but she still deserves someone who loves her for all she is. Wounded by the past, James Peterson became principal at a new school to escape his mistakes. What he never anticipated was meeting someone as amazing as Krista. She fits him in every way—except her need for a ring. When she dishes out a Valentine's Day ultimatum—give her more or end their relationship—all those old fears come racing back.

Does James have the courage to face his past for the woman he loves? Or will he lose her on principle?